Saturday, September 10, 2022

Pulling Manasseh's beard

Lawrence William Ward 1922–2015

My Dad, Laurie Ward, would have been 100 today! And today I have been trolling through the tributes written after the death of his grandfather, Manasseh Ward.

Dad had no direct memories of Manasseh, who died when he (Laurie) was only six months old, but the tales told around the Ward dinner table were so real and so rich that he felt like he knew his grandfather very well indeed.

By the time Laurie came along, Manasseh was a very sick man. He was suffering from heart disease, and towards the end had difficulty breathing and talking. He would sit on the verandah of the Ward home in Gertrude Street and hold court as friends and family came to visit. Dad's family lived just across the road on the corner of Gertrude and Dwyer Street, so they were frequent visitors to Manasseh's verandah. As he grew up, Dad was repeatedly told that he was the only baby ever to get away with pulling Manasseh's beard! 

Maybe that is why, when he grew a beard in later life, he always kept it trimmed quite short.

There are still a few of Manasseh's grandchildren alive today, although Laurie may well have been the last born during Manasseh's lifetime.


  1. Hello Bruce, i am a decendant of Manessah through my grandmother and am hopeful of finding the address of the house Manessah and Adelaide built in Gertrude st Wyoming. If there is any chance that you can help me it would be appreciated. I am going through at the moment (as i have been for a few years) Joan Taylors historical research. Hope you are able to assist.

    1. Manasseh and Madeline owned a little over two acres on the Eastern side of Gertrude Street, running from the intersection of Dwyer Street towards Glennie Street. The house was demolished around 1950 and the land was subdivided after that. I have never seen a street number applied to the house - it was always referred to as 'Myee, Gertrude Street, Gosford' and I suspect that that was the only address that was needed. Contact me direct if you want more information - see


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