Sunday, September 26, 2021

William Ward

I am starting this blog at a time when I am starting to research the Ward family, starting with my Great-Great-Grandfather, William Ward. The starting point for this research is William's marriage to Catherine Mitchel at St Phillip's Church of England in Sydney on 2 February 1837. 

A simple search of the official records reveals that William and Catherine had to apply to the Governor of New South Wales for permission to marry, because Catherine was a convict still serving her 7-year sentence.

They applied for permission on 25 January 1837. William Ward was 37 and arrived on the Almorah with a 7-year sentence. He was a free man. Catherine Mitchell was 20 and arrived on the George Hibberd also with a 7-year sentence. She was on 'Bond', meaning she was a bonded servant, still serving her time.

The name of the ship is a key piece of information which unlocks a lot more of the story!
I have loaded the marriage certificate and permission to marry documents onto my website. They are under the resources section on the Ward family page.

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