Sunday, September 26, 2021

Mrs Pexton's diary

As I said in my last post, the final leg of William Ward's voyage on the Convict Ships was from Sydney to Hobart aboard the Pilot

Why the Almorah did not go directly to Hobart is a mystery, but maybe the decision to send most of the Almorah Convicts to Tasmania was made here rather than in England.

We only have the scarcest of details about the Almorah leg voyage - the Surgeon's notes have not survived. But it may be possible to find out more about the final leg aboard the Pilot.

The Captain of the Pilot was William Pexton and I have discovered that he was accompanied on the voyage by his wife. Her diary of the voyage survives! I have not seen it, but believe it is held in the collection of the National Maritime Museum at Darling Harbour. According to the description in the library catalog, the diary includes the part of the voyage of interest to us - when the ship carried convicts from Sydney to Hobart Town.

One to follow up when we are allowed.

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